Many reports come from people who are no longer members of the organization...
That'll be enough for most JWs to dismiss this as an attack from Satan.
those who have been aware and informed have seen this coming.. of course it's just the beginning.
80 reports seems to be only the tip of the iceberg.
reclaimed voices is expecting hundreds of cases more.
Many reports come from people who are no longer members of the organization...
That'll be enough for most JWs to dismiss this as an attack from Satan.
ct russell said the dead would be resurrected to heaven from 1874-1881.. then the judge decided that it was not 1874/5 for the return of christ but 1914, so moving the heavenly resurrection forward to be from 1914-1918.. in truth nobody knows when it happens or happened.
just because the watchtower leadership says something in the printed word doesn't mean that it is true.
zion's watchtower 1881, january.
58 years from now? What's this about?
ct russell said the dead would be resurrected to heaven from 1874-1881.. then the judge decided that it was not 1874/5 for the return of christ but 1914, so moving the heavenly resurrection forward to be from 1914-1918.. in truth nobody knows when it happens or happened.
just because the watchtower leadership says something in the printed word doesn't mean that it is true.
zion's watchtower 1881, january.
They're all wrong, heaven isn't real.
the wtbts has finally decided to join the rest of us in the 21st century and has begun rebranding.
they've dropped the iconic watchtower sign from their heaquarters, and it's only a matter of time till they drop the now embarrassing watchtower name completely; a name synonymous with failure on the one hand and concentration camps on the other.. the organisation will soon be known solely as, bringing them right up-to-date with the web 2.0 revolution of 15 years ago, and making them the only company still to use a full web address as their main identifier, very forward-thinking of them.. it's inevitable that they'll gradually rebrand everything.
what methods do you think they'll go with?
I think the online subscription model seems highly plausible, it'd be a way of getting the rank & file to tithe without realising. They could even have a tiered system whereby elders and MS + family get a cheaper subscription, and bethelites get it for free, which would encourage members to reach out.
I could also see them dropping the literal 144K and liberalising the blood doctrine, i.e. making it a matter of personal conscience. I doubt that 1914 is going anywhere though, not this side of 2034 anyway, it's too important. They'll stop mentioning 607BCE though I'm sure, it's a collosal embarrassment.
a 'concerned' jw in my congregation rang me earlier and said she's noticed my daughter sits miserable at the meetings and said she's a right miserable girl in general.
i said she's happy and hyper when she's not at the meetings they're just really boring and she doesn't want to be there.
apparently i'm a bad parent coz she feels that way.
If I were you I'd hit her in the face with a brick.
was there one certain event or was it more a cumulative thing?.
Turning 18.
i hope i’m not the only one who experienced this but i hated it when we moved to a new congregation and another family from the congregation we were in would move to the same congregation basically following us.
and it was annoying because i always felt like there was this competition over privileges and participation during the meetings with this particular family.
it was so annoying.
The worst thing about moving to a new congregation was the disappointment over how few eligible mates there were, and thinking 'ok, maybe next time'.
the wtbts has finally decided to join the rest of us in the 21st century and has begun rebranding.
they've dropped the iconic watchtower sign from their heaquarters, and it's only a matter of time till they drop the now embarrassing watchtower name completely; a name synonymous with failure on the one hand and concentration camps on the other.. the organisation will soon be known solely as, bringing them right up-to-date with the web 2.0 revolution of 15 years ago, and making them the only company still to use a full web address as their main identifier, very forward-thinking of them.. it's inevitable that they'll gradually rebrand everything.
what methods do you think they'll go with?
No I meant they didn't take the sign with them or put up a new one as a lot of people expected them to. I'm obviously aware that they relocated.
I don't but I've heard of it.
the wtbts has finally decided to join the rest of us in the 21st century and has begun rebranding.
they've dropped the iconic watchtower sign from their heaquarters, and it's only a matter of time till they drop the now embarrassing watchtower name completely; a name synonymous with failure on the one hand and concentration camps on the other.. the organisation will soon be known solely as, bringing them right up-to-date with the web 2.0 revolution of 15 years ago, and making them the only company still to use a full web address as their main identifier, very forward-thinking of them.. it's inevitable that they'll gradually rebrand everything.
what methods do you think they'll go with?
The WTBTS has finally decided to join the rest of us in the 21st century and has begun rebranding. They've dropped the iconic Watchtower sign from their heaquarters, and it's only a matter of time till they drop the now embarrassing Watchtower name completely; a name synonymous with failure on the one hand and concentration camps on the other.
The organisation will soon be known solely as, bringing them right up-to-date with the Web 2.0 revolution of 15 years ago, and making them the only company still to use a full web address as their main identifier, very forward-thinking of them.
It's inevitable that they'll gradually rebrand everything. What methods do you think they'll go with? I have a few ideas that you may or may not agree with:
The Watchtower & Awake magazines will be phased out completely within 5-10 years, eventually replaced by online-only articles, with Watchtower & Awake-style articles consolidated onto that singular medium. The physical yearbook and daily text will also be gone within 10 years, moved online as a year-in-review article and a text for the day post, respectively. The Kingdom ministry will be moved online as a downloadable PDF for JW tablets, renamed JW newsletter. The song book will likely be online-only by 2030.
The only physical releases will be increasingly short & child-friendly illustrated books, released with decreasing frequency, and with gradually fewer doctrine-centric themes. Within 20 years the physical books will be gone as well, replaced with online-only publications.
They'll also continue to print bibles and 5-page tracts with pretty pictures & fluff, to use on the ministry, which will be entirely cart & call-based by 2030. Younger members, those born after 1970, will be encouraged to preach through social media.
Meetings will be consolidated further, with only one meeting per-week within the next 10-15 years. A 90 minute Sunday meeting with a 30 minute public talk, a 30 minute article review and a 30 minute JW newsletter review, bookended with a song & prayer.
The theocratic ministry school will be phased out entirely, it's already seen as archaic by many JWs, and it gives members the opportunity to speak their minds, which is against the principles of Members will also be encouraged to watch JW Broadcast daily.
Assemblies will be consolidated to one annual special assembly in October, smaller in size and comprised of puff-pieces, experiences, baptism and screened dramas.
Attire for meetings & ministry etc will gradually become more casual over the next 20-30 years as the religion outwardly mainstreams, due to the influx of members from countries where the suit & tie look is unfashionable. It'll remain internally cult-like of course.
As the religion tries to become more cool in order to attract & retain younger members, those born after 1950, it'll change a lot of its labels as well:
Members will simply be called JWs.
Kingdom halls will just be called halls.
Kingdom melodies will just be called songs.
Ministry will be called work.
Assemblies will be called JW-cons.
The NWT will eventually be re-released as the JW Bible.
The memorial will remain as it is.
Bonus prediction: 2033-34 will be unofficially earmarked for Armageddon over the next few years, as it's 120 years since 1914 and 2000 years since Pentecost 33.
My last prediction is that all of my predictions are more likely to come true than any of the Watchtower's predictions, though that's a low bar I'll admit.